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Designer and racer of Penny Farthing bicycles; Roger Davies is live for a ‘one-off’ on Men’s Sheds Cymru’s ‘Zoom Room’—Friday 28th August, 2:30pm

Roger Davies is the creator of the famous carbon fibre unicycle. Roger races Penny Farthings and came second in the British Championships at first attempt and winning the Belgium Open Championships. He has competed at the Unicycle World Championships (UNICON)for the last 20 years winning medals in freestyle, racing, Muni and Marathon also competing in long distance races like Mountain Mayhem in 2009, where with Sam Wakling he rode from Lands End to John O’Groats breaking the world record by almost 6 days!

Roger Davies has been riding unicycles for over 40 years, in the early 1990s he was one of the prime movers in the worldwide mountain unicycling scene and has an embarrassingly large collection of unicycles.

All are invited to what will be a “geeky session” for cyclists, engineers, and anyone interested in learning about unicycles and how to get one.

To join Roger and Mens Sheds Cymru in the ‘Zoom Room,’ visit (No preregistration required).

To buy a Penny Farthing visit:

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