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In a usual year Santa comes to our village centre but this year!

what with Covid and all its restrictions, it was thought too non compliant to encourage a massive crowd to gather.

After discussion with Santa and his Chief Elf and Safety Advisor it was decided that Santa would tour the village on his Sleigh.

No snow for Santa’s sleigh to glide over! What to do?
The Parish Council spoke to Poringland and District Shed Men’s Shed and in a wave of a saw and chisel plus a twinkle of fairy lights his Sleigh was made to fit on a wheeled trailer to be towed through the village with children gathered at vantage points to see him up close. Result!

it was decided that Santa would tour the village on his Sleigh.

Kind regards and seasonal greetings Henry Gowman Chair Poringland and District Shed UK Men’s Sheds Association Ambassador 

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