We’re delighted to announce a new partnership with London Hearts, a registered charity which specialises in the supply of Defibrillators, related equipment and training all across the UK and Ireland.
Recent tragic cardiac arrest events involving persons at the peak of their fitness goes to show that heart issues can happen to literally ANYONE, ANYTIME, ANYWHERE!
If you go into cardiac arrest, without a defibrillator, you have a 7% chance of survival. If a defibrillator is used within the first 3-5 minutes, the chances of survival is over 70%.
London Hearts has launched an initiative to assist sheds in obtaining this life-saving equipment. It is currently offering full funding depending on your location or a grant up to £500 towards the cost of every Defibrillator it supplies which also comes with free online training.
Don’t just take our word for the benefits of this project – here’s a few words from Elaine Curley, coordinator of the Battersea Men’s Shed, who received a fully funded defibrillator and training from London Hearts:
“The men are so grateful to London Hearts Charity for this defibrillator. The additional instruction in how to use it effectively and how to administer CPR, is invaluable. These new life skills are ones that potentially could be used in a much wider capacity than just at the Shed. Whilst we hope to never have to use the defibrillator, having one at Battersea Men’s Shed provides incredible peace of mind and the training has given members the confidence to act swiftly and ably should they ever need to.”
Equipment is available now from London Hearts and can be with you in a matter of days.
In order to proceed in obtaining a Defibrillator simply complete the short online application via the following link: londonhearts.org/apply-for-a-defib
If you have any queries or wish to discuss obtaining a Defibrillator please contact Kym or Jo at London Hearts by telephone on 02070432493 or by email to: kym@londonhearts.org