Five students, including Colin Porter who is both a mature art student and Chairman of Torrington Mens Shed, were selected to develop a project based on the Soup Corner, based at Union Corner, in Union Street, Plymouth. Soup Corner provides lunchtime meals to people in need.
This project grew from a joint partnership between Tate Modern and Plymouth College of Art Exchange 20/21. Students of the college were asked to submit proposals for a collaborative Resurgence and Sustenance art project based on the general theme of love. See or
This project grew from a joint partnership between Tate Modern and Plymouth College of Art Exchange
The project runs from a sheltered outdoor space in a busy part of central Plymouth. The space is secure but rundown. The student group has devised a plan to paint a mural, re-develop the garden, build planters and grow herbs, flowers and vegetables which hopefully can involve both the Soup Kitchen volunteers and people from the local community. As the work at the site develops we hope to record some of the stories and ideas of the people who visit and use the Soup Corner and from this produce artwork that illustrates those ideas.
We hope to involve the local Mens Shed to make the planters. The Mens Shed in Torrington have said they would like to help as well. If it can be arranged we would like to offer some level of mentoring to the users of the Soup Kitchen. As Chairman in Torrington and also as regional Ambassador for Mens Shed UK we have experience of this. It is not an easy fit for various reasons, but if the constraints, i.e. safeguarding protocols, can be properly managed we would be very keen to help in this way.
Art competition
As an extension of the involvement of the Men’s Sheds nationally we would like to have an art competition based on the theme of the project, Resurgence and Sustenance. The work can be two or three dimensional and any medium. We will be able to make a video of the submissions which can be shown at this year’s online Shed Fest in July. The work will also be shown on the websites the college has for the project and on the website we are creating for the Soup Kitchen.
As an extension of the involvement of the Men’s Sheds nationally we would like to have an art competition based on the theme of the project
This project is in its early stages and has the potential to move and develop in other directions which will happen but how, where and when we don’t know. That is one of the beauties of art.
Working with a diverse group of users and participants, old and young, from near and far, means we can find a kind connection between us and from which we can grow and work together. Shoulder to shoulder, holding hands and finding hope and optimism. For more information contact Colin Porter Email :