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As well as general Shed safety, you should also ensure you understand, and have procedures in place for safeguarding adults at risk. As a general rule, any adult at risk attending your Shed should be accompanied by their carer to ensure the safety of them and others. The below template Adults at Risk Safeguarding Policy explains all of this and gives an idea of the types of procedures that are considered best practice.

Download Safeguarding Policy Template (docx).

It is not expected that every Shedder reads through the entire policy and understands it, but your Management Committee should be fully aware of it, as should any designated Safeguarding Officers. You can then display the below summary in the Shed for all Shedders to know who they should approach if there’s a problem.

Download Safeguarding Policy Summary (docx).

Resources to support Safeguarding in your Shed

Follow this link to watch our session on Safeguarding for Shedders on our YouTube Channel

Safeguarding for Shedders – A List of Useful Links

Download our ‘Useful Links List’ (PDF).
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