Free template for UKMSA Shed Members
UKMSA has developed a Cash Book to help Men’s Sheds keep accounting records and prepare accounts for their members, funders and (if required) Charity Regulator. This Cash Book and Accounts template is a simple Receipts and Payments Excel spreadsheet and should be suitable for any Men’s Shed in the UK not registered as a Limited Liability or Community Interest Company.

We have tried to make it as easy as possible and this is reflected by a Set Up that only requires your Shed Name, Charity number (if you have one) and the dates that you will be reporting on. You may name your bank accounts, but that is optional.

We have also made it flexible enough so that you can, if you wish, choose your own reasons why money came in and why money went out, but there is no requirement to do so. You may use the suggested reasons or amend the lists to suit your own Shed.

It can be used by any Shed, new or old, regardless of charitable status operating as either an unincorporated association or a CIO. Sheds in their second or subsequent period can enter their prior year figures.

Once the simple set up has been completed you can enter receipts

and payments

and check your entries agree to your bank statement(s)

We have also included a fixed asset record which can be used to list all the tools, machines and other equipment to help with completing the Statement of Assets and Liabilities. This can be further used to ensure adequate insurance cover is obtained and assist with any claims.

These simple worksheets automatically complete a Receipts and Payments Account, which is compliant with the requirements of all the Charity Regulators in the UK.

All that you have to do then is manually complete, if applicable, some entries on the Statement of Assets and Liabilities.

The Charity Commission’s guidance notes on preparing Receipts and Payments Accounts can be downloaded here.
Trustees’ Annual Report
In addition to preparing Annual Accounts charities must prepare an Annual Trustees’ Report. Sometime during 2024 we will prepare our own Men’s Shed example, in the meantime here is one from the Charity Commission.
Their guidance notes –
Completing the Pro Forma Trustees’ Annual Report
And finally their Word template