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 Kate on a recent Shed visit

UKMSA are delighted to announce the appointment of Kate Gordon as our National Shed Development Manager.

The National Shed Development Manager will manage our Ambassador Programme and have three principal areas of engagement:

  • To support the growth of Sheds and participants in Sheds;
  • To support the recruitment and development of volunteers throughout the Shed network; and
  • To assist in making Sheds sustainable through our networks, promoting opportunities and developing new partnerships.

Kate joins the team on 20th August 2018 and has already been hard at work with supporting our projects and attending a recent Board and Staff awayday.

Kate comes to us with a wealth of knowledge and experience in both the third sector and is involved with Rubys Yard in Atherstone, which has started developing a Shed.

Charlie Bethel, Chief Officer of UKMSA welcomed Kate and said, ‘Kate’s experience and passion for the movement is the perfect combination to assist us in achieving our shared aspirations for the Shed movement.  We aim to facilitate the development of positive networks across the UK, grow opportunities and respond to the needs of our members. I am sure you will join me with a massive welcome to Kate.’

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