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Between November 2017 and June 2018 UKMSA carried out a survey to discover the impact Sheds can have for Shedders, and what difference they are making across the UK. We also asked what Shedders thought were important topics for UKMSA to include at ShedFest 2018, taking place Saturday 17th November at University of Worcester Arena. For more details about ShedFest, click here.

With over 470 Sheds now open, 130 Sheds in development and an estimated 11,000 Shedders, it is clear from the growth of Men’s Sheds and the results of our survey that Men’s Sheds have a really positive impact on the well being of the many Shedders and volunteers who are now involved and the communities they support.

There has been a 47% growth of Sheds in just 2 years, and the health benefits Shedders told us about included alleviation of anxiety, decreases in depression and feelings of loneliness lessened.

Sheds are not just good for individuals, they’re great ways to meet new people and make new friendships, helping Shedders feel more engaged and connected to their communities. With an estimated £10.5 million worth of volunteering hours in community, the benefits go beyond the Shed and into their local communities.

During ShedFest 2018 we’ll be sharing in more detail the difference Shedders have said that being involved in Men’s Sheds makes to their lives, and we’ll be sending the information to member Sheds so they can use it to support funding bids and their case for support from their local councils and communities.

Our survey also highlighted that professional health groups and the NHS are finally recognising these benefits to lifestyle health – with Sheds now receiving social prescribing requests.

To support Sheds deciding if social prescribing is right for them, we will be hosting a workshop looking at what ‘Social Prescribing’ is, and how Sheds can get involved if they choose to. For more details about the workshops at ShedFest, visit

If you have any comments or thoughts about the role of Sheds and social prescriptions, why not share your views on our forum topic –

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