Make sure for Movember that you are really aware,
Pass on this message to show that you care.
Its starts with a little fumble no one will know,
It could stop many problems that grow and grow.
Your life might have changed you thought its a mystery,
You kept waking every night wanting to Pee.
You just feel “oh well nothings wrong it must be just me”,
I will stop drinking after I`ve had my evening tea.
By self diagnosing Men feel it will go away,
But that`s where they are wrong don`t go astray.
Contact your doctor for a small blood test,
Nothing too major and all for the best.
If anything is found, things move fast,
Various treatments that positively will last.
Its best to get things sorted the sooner the better,
Don’t let Cancer be a massive spreader.
There are numerous individuals who have done all this,
Its definitely worth it so don’t give it a miss .
Be aware all this doesn’t happen individually overnight,
But its all worthwhile as the end soon comes in sight.
I share this knowledge because I have had that fiddle,
It was all worth it, otherwise I would not of written this riddle.
More than 47,500 men are diagnosed with prostate cancer every year – that’s 129 men every day. Every 45 minutes one man dies from prostate cancer – that’s more than 11,500 men every year. 1 in 8 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in their lifetime. Around 400,000 men are living with and after prostate cancer.– source Prostate Cancer UK
UK Men’s Shed’s Health and Wellbeing interviewed one of the foremost speakers on the subject of prostate cancer in the world– Professor Mark Emberton Dean at UCL Faculty of Medical Sciences. He was interviewed by Dr Chris Manning from our Health and Wellbeing Group. Follow this link to re-watch the interview, or to find out how to book your Shed a session with Prostate Cancer UK.