On 14th January this year, volunteer Shed Ambassador Geoff Allison, a dedicated Men’s Shedder who helped set up the Dalbeattie Men’s Shed in 2014, was a guest speaker at a Look Good Feel Better skincare and grooming workshop for men living with cancer. Look Good Feel Better is a national cancer support charity aimed at boosting the physical and emotional wellbeing of people living with cancer, currently running a series of online workshops covering skincare and grooming, skincare and makeup, hair loss, headwear, wigs, hand and nail care, body confidence, as well as a range of seated exercise classes.
Geoff joined the Look Good Feel Better team to talk about Men’s Sheds and how the organisation was formed based on the idea of providing a safe place for men to meet and indulge in activities of their own choice, in other words health through stealth!
Many of the men Look Good Feel Better support through their workshops often report they feel quite isolated when going through treatment, so organisations like Men’s Sheds can be a powerful force for improvement of men’s (and sometimes women’s) mental health.
Men’s Sheds were very pleased to be invited to speak at this event and hope to attend more in the future. And a big thank you to Geoff for supporting at this talk!
If you or anyone you know is living with cancer and might benefit from attending a Look Good Feel Better workshop, please visitwww.lookgoodfeelbetter.co.uk/