Chris Lee, Letchworth Men’s Shed member
Published in association with UK Men’s Sheds Association www.menssheds.org.uk
As someone who celebrated his 60th birthday some months after the ‘big day’ because of mental ill health, I take a keen interest in what Movember stands for – starting conversations (particularly amongst men) about ways to stay healthier and happier for longer.
Those fine folk at Movember tell me I’ve now been growing a mo [moustache] each November for ten years, which is exactly half the time they’ve been raising awareness and funds for research into testicular and prostate cancer, and into men’s mental ill health, particularly suicide.
I can actually claim to be an award-winning moustache-grower. It was in 2015 – a competition on Twitter – and I won a moustache-shaped doormat which is in constant use in my garden shed. I also have happy memories of growing two moustaches at once one year – creating a ‘Swiss army penknife’ effect – because a friend said he’s sponsor me twice if I grew two. I did but he didn’t.
This year, I’m getting lots of suggestions from friends (some more helpful than others…) about what mo I should grow. Ignoring their advice, I’ve decided to create The Poirmo – celebrating the thing on Kenneth Branagh’s top lip in Murder on the Orient Express.
My main aim with my toplip topiary is to make it silly. Men’s health is certainly a serious subject but that shouldn’t stop us having a laugh to get the message across. I’m no stranger to facial hair – I had a beard for 25 years, growing it to make myself look older, and removing it to make myself look younger. Also, each summer I allow myself the luxury of not shaving when on holiday – it’s like giving a hedge the opportunity to go wild once a year before giving it a good prune.
Each year I try to get others to join in the fun. Notable successes (notable because they’ve been few and far between) have been with my local parkrun, where women and dogs took up the challenge almost more enthusiastically than the men. My fellow tenors in our local choir joined in for the relevant concert in November one year (but have resisted all encouragement to do so again).
What mo-tivates me each year? This year it’s three widowers – friends who are still coming to terms with their losses many years later. As I get older, I’m increasingly aware of my own mortality. I’m writing this a day after attending a funeral – the untimely death of one of the founder members of the Men’s Shed I joined back in January. Mike was 80 and had only been unwell with kidney problems for a relatively short time. As I get older, I don’t know what constitutes ‘a good innings’ as my dear old dad used to say. I suppose it’s about quality as well as quantity. Mike had a good life and a loving family, but the first death of a Shed member has shocked our close-knit and caring little community.
But it’s not all gloom. Earlier in the year, I regularly saw a work colleague who was having some very dark thoughts at the time. I’m pleased to say he’s come through that period and can see a future ahead of him. I like to think that my being there for him helped.
So don’t sit on the symptoms guys and, remember – talking is for life, not just November!
To keep abreast of my mo-growing effort, click here https://uk.movember.com/mospace/3760813
Related reading https://enterpriseessentials.wordpress.com/2020/11/13/remembering-kenneth