Joe Green from the University of Bedfordshire student has recently raised £1818 for Men in Sheds Bedford demonstrating how helping others in the community can have great effects.
In order to raise the money Joe ran 48 miles over two days, tackling four miles every four hours. Joe originally planned to raise £700 but continued well over this amount.
Joe wanted to raise the money for the Shed after meeting one of its members at a Community Exercise Clinic run by the University at its Bedford campus, where Joe was working as part of his course. The money will help with the renovation of an old building the charity has acquired from the council. The renovation will include a coffee break room, an IT suite for teaching digital skills and a DIY room.
Joe recently appeared in an article about his challenge for News Anyway, in Bedford, and said this.
“I’ve always spoken openly about my struggles with my own mental health over the last few years and I’d probably go as far as saying running saved my life; it has always given me a sense of freedom, a distraction and a sense of euphoria – it’s been a massive help.
I was always looking for another challenge after my first solo marathon and another opportunity to raise money and I knew straight away that this mental health and social wellbeing charity was the one I wanted to raise money for.
I’ve been down to the Men in Sheds charity location twice now and I’ve seen the amazing work they are doing there and I’ve also been sent some personal accounts from people who go to Men in Sheds and the positive affect it has had on their lives.”

Fraser Young, Men in Sheds’ Management Committee member who introduced Joe to the charity, added
“Men In Sheds Bedford’s strategic focus over the last 18 months has been to raise money to refurbish and repurpose disused storage facilities into a new functional flexible facility designed to engage members, expand our Shed offering and alleviate social isolation, improve members interactions and improve mental well-being. We are due to start using the facilities later this year after many hours hard work and will continue to develop the facilities as further funds allow. The mental health of our members is a key priority and we aspire to be a progressive inclusive community facility.
On behalf of Bedford’s Men in Sheds community, I’d like to express just how humbled and grateful we are to Joe for his selfless support in helping us raise vital new funds to assist in the repurposing and refurbishment of disused store rooms into a new craft area.”
Fraser and the members of Men In Sheds Bedford want to promote mental well being and mutual support through their Shed. When asked why he thought Men’s Sheds were needed, Fraser said
“We believe Men in Sheds provides an invaluable space for men to meet, socialise and share experiences together, fostering friendship and giving members another rewarding purpose to their lives.
Our members are encouraged to share their practical skills with other members and learn from fellow members in a safe environment, often resolving complex challenges working shoulder to shoulder.
We’ve had some success with some one-to-one outreach activity sessions for people living with dementia, where we’ve found clients, members and carers benefit from the experience.
A space to meet and share sociable banter as well as more personal experiences is further enhanced by the use of WhatsApp chat groups to keep in touch and help reduce social isolation which in turn improves members mental health.”