Apparently the third Monday of January of each year is ‘the most depressing of the year… It is said to be the time we’re most likely to give up on our new year resolutions… Find out the truth about BLUE MONDAY!
Did you know that Sky Travel invented “Blue Monday” in the hopes of selling more holidays.
There is actually no basis in fact for the assertion that Monday January 16th is the saddest day of the year!
May is the peak month for suicides in Britain. The increase can be dramatic, with up to 50% more successful suicides in some cases. In Britain, about 6,300 people take their own lives each year, and three-quarters of suicides in the UK are by men.
Consider who in your Shed may need support – reach out and ask them – “Are You OK today”, and listen to what they say – Remember “I’m fine” can sometimes mean I’m “Fouled Up, Insecure, Neurotic, and Emotional”. You just need to listen and signpost – For further support see these links below:
- Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA) – online training – https://www.zerosuicidealliance.com/training
- National Suicide Prevention Alliance (NSPA) – Resources https://nspa.org.uk/resources/
- Review your local County Suicide Prevention Strategy
- See if you can take part in the Orange Button Scheme
There is no basis in fact for the assertion that Monday January 16th is the saddest day of the year…
May is the peak month for suicides in Britain. The increase can be dramatic, with up to 50% more successful suicides in some cases. In Britain, about 6,300 people take their own lives each year, and three-quarters of suicides in the UK are by men.
Consider who in your Shed may need support – reach out and ask them – “Are You OK today”, and listen to what they say – Remember “I’m fine” can sometimes mean I’m “Fouled Up, Insecure, Neurotic, and Emotional”. You just need to listen and signpost – For further support see these links below:
- Zero Suicide Alliance (ZSA) – online training – https://www.zerosuicidealliance.com/training
- National Suicide Prevention Alliance (NSPA) – Resources https://nspa.org.uk/resources/
- Review your local County Suicide Prevention Strategy
- See if you can take part in the Orange Button Scheme

If you are desperate to do something positive on this day. A great use of your energy would be to take part as we do each year in #brewmonday by the Samaritans. https://www.samaritans.org/support-us/campaign/brew-monday/