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Trowbridge Women’s Shed, led by Judy Wright and the Men’s Shed where Judy’s husband Kevin – a UKMSA Ambassador – is a member, worked together to host the Trowbridge Spring Flower Festival.  You could say two Sheds working together, Shoulder to Shoulder! The day was a complete success with a launch from Trowbridge’s Town Mayor, Denise Carter.

Mayor Carter opening Trowbridge Flower Festival

The stalls were represented by a number of the ladies in the Women’s Shed showing off their amazing craft skills, including banners, jewellery, water colours, cushions, patch work quilts and a fairtrade stall. Not to mention the amazing homemade cakes! We guys also had a stall with the usual bird boxes, bug hotels and our new squirrel pic-nic tables! 

However, it was the hand knitted premature babies clothes that stole the show. All these baby products are due to leave for the Ukraine ASAP where there is a great need, where so many women are going into premature labour due to the trauma they are currently experiencing. 

The event helped raise funds for Support Homes for Ukrainian Refugees, the result a family home has now been secured for a six month period and ready for a family when they arrive in the UK.

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