Every year my wife goes to Scotland for a few weeks, before she goes she has to get some to help me as I have had three stokes since 1998, It was last July when I was allocated a new social worker and she asked me about my interests, I said to her I like Ruby and enjoy the company of my dog. She said” Have you heard of the men’s shed?
They are a group of retired men who meet every Tuesday some are bereaved and others have health issues and they’ll be at the Town Hall at the over 50’s meeting” There I was introduced to Trevor Bliss from Chippenham Men’s Shed who suggested I should come to the next meeting to see if I would like to join them, so I did!

There I met Steve, Hubert, Jeff and another Trevor, and the other guys. I introduced my self and they asked me what skills I had, and I told them I was a chef and award-winning home baker.
I now make them cakes and biscuits for the meetings, and they love them! I have also been helping at our allotment where we are trying to make it accessible for disabled members where they can enjoy the fresh air, grow a few vegetables etc.
Without the shed and the guys, I think my sense of humour would not be as sharp as it is and I would not be me, it is a great meeting place.
Thank you, guys.
Graham C.