"Send him down to the Shed!"
September 1 – 7 September is Australian Men’s Sheds Week
The UK Men’s Sheds Association is delighted to share that the Australian Men’s Shed Association (AMSA) is celebrating the Shed Movement . Men’s Shed Week is celebrated in Down Under from 1st to 7th September. This year’s theme is “Send him down to the Shed.”
Shedders across Australia are coming together to celebrate Men’s Sheds’ spirit and the strong camaraderie they foster.
What began as a modest idea in rural Australia has now blossomed into a global movement, with over 2,500 sheds operating in 12 countries and more than 50,000 Australians participating each year.
David Helmer, the executive officer of AMSA, highlighted the vital role that Men’s Sheds play in supporting men’s wellbeing.
“For three decades, Men’s Sheds have been enhancing men’s health by forging connections through shared activities,” said David. “Retirement can be a challenging transition for many men, often leading to social isolation, which in turn can contribute to anxiety, depression, and physical health issues. It frequently takes a nudge from someone else to help a man recognise this and take action.”
Men’s Shed Week is an opportunity for Men’s Sheds to open their doors, inviting members and the broader community to celebrate everything that makes the Shed movement so special.
Visit the AMSA website here https://mensshed.org/