University of Worcester Arena, Hylton Road, Worcester, WR2 5JN
Thursday 11th July 2024
Dear Members,
The Annual General Meeting (AGM) of UK Men’s Sheds Association (UKMSA) will be held during ShedFest 2024 on Thursday 11 July 2024 at 1345 hrs.
Formal notice of the AGM, containing the agenda and financial statement, will be sent to members on 25 June 2024 and be made available on the UKMSA website.
To date, no items proposed by members for discussion at the forthcoming AGM have been received by the charity trustees. To be included on the agenda for the AGM, any such items must be received by the charity trustees by 1100hrs on Monday 24 June 2024 at the latest and we ask it is sent to admin@ukmsa.org.uk marked with the header AGM Business. Any items should be of a constitutional matter. There is an opportunity to discuss programmes during a session at ShedFest.
The AGM agenda will contain an item for Any Other Business at which, if time permits, items raised by members present at the meeting may be discussed at the discretion of the Chairman but will not be voted upon.
Election of Trustees
The constitution requires one-third of the elected charity trustees to resign at the AGM. Currently we have 11 charity trustees so four will step down at the AGM. All four are eligible and intend to stand for (re)election. Other nominations for charity trustees submitted by UKMSA members must be received by 1630hrs on Friday 21 June 2024 at the latest. Election of trustees will be conducted by show of hands at the meeting and members are reminded that each member shed has only one vote.
The four elected trustees standing down under the rotation system required under the UKMSA constitution are as follows: Rob Lloyd, John Latchford, Jo Phillips and John Jarvis. All four intend to stand again for election.
Further to the new version of the UKMSA Constitution agreed at the AGM in 2023, the trustees are proposing a minor amendment relating to the quorum for meetings of the charity trustees. The formal proposal will be part of the agenda and formal notice for the AGM when they are sent out on 25 June but are included here for information. The charity trustees will be pleased to address any questions raised by members on this proposed amendment before the AGM. The rationale for the change is that it only takes four trustees to be absent from a meeting for it not to be quorate, and this has been interrupting the flow of business.
The existing wording of the Constitution Section 19(3)(a) reads:
“No decision shall be taken at a meeting unless a quorum is present at the time when the decision is taken. The quorum is two charity trustees, or the number nearest to two thirds of the total number of charity trustees, whichever is greater, or such larger number as the charity trustees may decide from time to time. A charity trustee shall not be counted in the quorum present when any decision is made about a matter upon which he or she is not entitled to vote.”
The amendment proposed by the trustees reads:
“No decision shall be taken at a meeting unless a quorum is present at the time when the decision is taken. The quorum is two charity trustees, or one half of the total number of charity trustees, whichever is greater, or such larger number as the charity trustees may decide from time to time. A charity trustee shall not be counted in the quorum present when any decision is made about a matter upon which he or she is not entitled to vote.”
Member Sheds unable to attend are also invited to nominate the chair of UKMSA or another person to represent them. The proxy allows the Shed to vote for the resolution, candidates for election and be registered as attending the meeting. This is particularly important when we need to achieve quoracy for the meeting.
We sincerely hope that you are able to join us at ShedFest and the Annual General Meeting in person.
Kindest regards,
Charlie Bethel
Chief Executive Officer
On behalf of The Trustees of UKMSA
Download PDF – AGM 2024 Notice of Meeting