Sometimes a brand becomes so ubiquitous it’s hard to see what all the fuss was about to begin with. We had a chat with our staff and here’s what they make of it all.

I’d no idea suicide was the biggest killer of men under 45 til I lost two close friends in five years. This HAS TO CHANGE, raising awareness helps the shift to a more understanding world for men of all ages. That’s why I support Movember. Kate Gordon

The pain of losing someone is only compounded by the tragedy of knowing it could have been preventable. I support Movember because I’ve lost friends… whatever it might be, get it checked – Men’s health matters! Charlie Bethel

Our family lost a close relative who took his own life after battling with his mental health. Movember helps fund charities that help men like him. That’s why I’m taking part in raising awareness about the work of Movember.
Leo Pswarayi
The medical care was great when he got it, but who knows how things might have turned out if he’d not delayed those two months. Growing a mo is one way I can start conversations.
Chris Lee one of our trustees has been a big supporter of Movember.

“I’d planned a low-key involvement in Movember this year. That all changed when, in the middle of October, someone I’d worked with for 20 months – and come to regard as a friend – died 5 weeks after going into hospital. He was 64.
So sad. Kenneth had been diagnosed with a brain tumour when his left leg stopped working. That was two months after he’d first complained about a lump near his armpit – it took me that long to persuade him to see his GP.
it took long to persuade him to see his GP.
The medical care was great when he got it, but who knows how things might have turned out if he’d not delayed those two months. Growing a mo is one way I can start conversations about the Kenneth I knew for too short a time. ”
Let’s keep men healthier and happier for longer – we can’t do it alone; talking is the start. Support Chris’ efforts here https://uk.movember.com/mospace/3760813
Visit Movember‘s website to find out how you too can spread the word!